Dr. Lalhminghlua
Internal Roles/Memberships:
1. Convenor, Adventure Club
2. Member, Discipline Committee
3. Member, Committee on Creativity and Innovation (CCI)
Journal Publications:
1. Lalhminghlua, . and Sarkar, A., (2017). A Short Report on Megaliths and Petroglyphs on Natural Rock Surfaces from Farkawn and Khankawn Villages, Champhai District, Mizoram, India. Ancient Asia, 8, p.1. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5334/aa.122
2. Lalhminghlua. (2016). Field Survey Findings From Farkawn and Khankawn Villages OF Champhai District, Mizoram: A Brief Report. Bulletin of the Deccan College Research Institute, 76, 23–28. http://www.jstor.org/stable/26264764
Book Publications:
1. Lalhminghlua. 2023. Vangchhia Field Study: A Departmental Report. In. Know Your History: Archaeological Field Study at Vangchhia, Mizoram. Edited by. Lalhminghlua, Chongthu, L., Lalremtluangi, A., Hrahsel, Z., Khiangte, L., Lalnunfima, B. Pp. 1-19. Loisbet, Aizawl.
2. Lalhminghlua. 2023. Know Your History: Archaeological Field Study at Vangchhia, Mizoram (Edited). Loisbet, Aizawl.
3. Lalhminghlua. (2024). Walking through Tlabung Heritage: A Departmental Report. In. Lalhminghlua, Chongthu, L., Lalremtluangi, A., Hrahsel, Z., Khiangte, L., Lalnunfima, B. (Eds), Colonial History through Material Culture: Heritage Walk at Tlabung. (pp. 1 – 21). Loisbet, Aizawl.
4. Lalhminghlua. (2024). Exploring Early Christian Burial at Theiriat: A Departmental Report. In. Lalhminghlua, Chongthu, L., Lalremtluangi, A., Hrahsel, Z., Khiangte, L., Lalnunfima, B (Eds.), Colonial History through Material Culture: Heritage Walk at Tlabung. (pp. 22 – 29). Loisbet, Aizawl.
5. Lalhminghlua. (2024). Preserving Material Culture: An Archaeological Perspective in Mizoram. In. Modernization of Society and Culture in Mizoram. Edited by. N. Malsawmtluangi and Lalrinkimi. Pp. 35-52. Mittal Publications. New Delhi.
6. Lalhminghlua. (Ed.). (2024). Colonial History through Material Culture: Heritage Walk at Tlabung. Loisbet, Aizawl.
Papers Presented:
Topic/Theme |
Organizer/Sponsor |
Year |
Unearthing Neolithic Secrets in Uncharted Mizoram: A Preliminary Understanding |
8th International Congress of Society of South Asian Archaeology (SOSAA). Organised by Bihar Museum, Patna |
2024 |
Archaeology: What, How, Where |
One Day Workshop on Archaeology: With Special Reference to Mizoram. Organised by Department of History, Govt. Hrangbana College, Aizawl |
2022 |
An Account of Petroglyphs from the Villlages of Lianpui and Vangchhia, Mizoram |
Joint Conference of IAS, ISPQS & HCS organised by Department of Archaeology, University of Kerala |
2019 |
Mizoram Heritage: An Archaeological Approach |
National Seminar on 'Cultural Heritage of Mizoram' held at Pachhunga University College, Aizawl |
2019 |
Pre-Colonial Art on Megaliths and Rocks in Mizoram |
22nd International Congress of the Rock Art Society of India held at Deccan College, Post-graduate & Research Institute (Deemed University), Pune. |
2017 |
Symbolism Encoded in Megaliths: A Case Study of Farkawn nad Khankawn Villages, Mizoram |
International seminar on 'Symbolism in Indian Art, Archaeology and Literature' organised by Deccan College, Post-graduate & Research Institute (Deemed University), Pune. |
2016 |
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